Thursday, February 02, 2006


Nothing like a two-week blitz of media hysteria and non-stories pervading the airwaves and newsprint like a migratory bird flu.

In the interests of maintaining a vague modicum of sanity it should be proposed that there should never be a period of longer than one week between the Conference Finals and the Super Bowl. Two weeks is simply too long. Too much time to hype, too much time to create news from non-issues, player mouths, player actions, and human interest stories that are in fact, not interesting at all merely exposing the desperate need to fill space with ink in a weak effort to forstall the inevitability of the end of football season.

That's right, folks. THE END OF THE FOOTBALL SEASON.

Adding another week in between is like making your girlfriend have sex "one more time" before you break up. It's meaningless and quite possibly only prolongs the agony of the inevitable.


Given that we at Sports Amnesia have done such a bang-up job in the postseason prognosticating department (4-0, followed by 2-2 and then bottoming out by getting neither the AFC or NFC Championships right) you might want to consider that we have done a massive amount, two weeks in fact, of research on this matter, talking to experts from a vast array of countries and fields, heart specialists, soothsayers, palm readers, and farmers amoung the many.

We believe that it was time to give quality prognosticating for a quality game, this Super Bowl which we will firstly predict to be one of the most exciting Super Bowls ever.

But say goodbye to Football for another season ladies and gents because after Sunday, there's nothing left but Draft Day to look forward to.



Pittsburgh Steelers 34
Seattle Seahawks 31

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